Error list in VS

when I watch tutorials online of people coding in VS whenever they make an error it shows in the error list in real time. it updates as it finds errors. Mines only lets me know about errors after a press Ctrl-F5 and run the program, but I would like to see these errors before having to do this, is there something in the settings that I have to enable to get this to happen.
Which version are you using?

The IntelliSense errors should not be relied on very heavily. IS often detects errors in perfectly valid code. The false positives are so bad that I turn them off pretty much immediately, at least for C++ code.
I am using VS community 2017.
Mines only lets me know about errors after a press Ctrl-F5 and run the program

Are you talking about compile-time errors? Because VS should be showing you those as it compiles, not when you run it.

Do you not get those errors when you compile your code?
I press ctrl-f5 an then if there are any errors in syntax or anything else, it will fail to build and then the errors show up in the error list.
nvm :(

my error list just never opened up until I ran the program, I just had to open it up before then, it works properly i am just dumb. it was just hidden by default behind the output tab.
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Don't beat yourself up - it takes time to use any tool, and IDE's can be very complicated tools!
I have been using VS for like, 1 1/2 years by now and I didn't know you could pull those things out, I just found out you can configure the whole UI however you want. now I have all my tabs out where I can see them.
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