Looking for Challenges.

Hello guys,

I'm considered as a beginner and i've been watching youtube tutorials. By little by little i've been learning c++ and preparing for my summer class next month. Do you guys know any good links for challenges/problems to solve?

Are there somewhere the results for Project Euler around? Results only, no solutions.
My professor introduced us (my class) to: https://open.kattis.com/

It's good for challenges, and allows you to accumulate points to be on the scoreboard for globally, your country, or your college (if you will go to one).

I believe all the problems come from different computer science competition events and have varying levels of difficulty. Keep in mind when completing the problems:
The output answer must be EXACT. One space off in your output is incorrect. Teaches you to pay attention to details.

Also if you need a hint for your Kattis problem you can search for it here:

Edit: Looks like spoj.com and Kattis are very similar.
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Thank you. I do not need to score points, I just want to compare results. Sure, a second step could be to have a look to solutions, otherwise the saying holds true 'a good FORTRAN programmer may program FORTRAN in any language.'
Are there somewhere the results for Project Euler around? Results only, no solutions.

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BINGO!! Grazie tante!
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