Default initialization

What is default initialization, when does it occur?
Would 'x' be considered as default initialized?

  int main(){
   int x;
    return 0;

Only class objects can default initialize, and that happens when you write a constructor taking no arguments to initialize the object, or if every member of that object is a class that default initializes.

struct does_not_default_initialize
  int x;          // does not default initialize
  std::string s;  // default initializes

struct default_initializes
  int x;
  std::string s;
  default_initializes(): x{0} { } // default ctor initializes x

Similarly, all global objects are zero-initialized, which is not quite the same thing. For integer types (char, int, pointers, etc) this is much the same, but for non-default-initialized class objects it is definitely not the same thing.

All local objects need initialization. So in your example, the x, a local object, is not initialized and contains random garbage.

You can (and should) explicitly initialize it:

int main()
  int x = 7;

Hope this helps.
Thanks, but would the garbage value be considered the variable’s initial value? If not then what would it be considered as? Thanks.
Would 'x' be considered as default initialized?
Well, yes. See the first sentence of the relevant reference page:

In this case, the process of default-initialization does nothing, so x is default-initialized to an indeterminate value, which is garbage. Except in specific circumstances, a program that uses an indeterminate value has undefined behavior.

Your compiler cannot assume that the indeterminate value is benign. In fact, it may not represent an int at all. For this reason, you should think of x as "not-an-int", until you set it to something.

Note that C++'s initialization rules are very complicated. You don't need to know all the details to get serious work done.
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> What is default initialization?

a. For a POD class type or a built-in POD type like int, initialise to an indeterminate value (do nothing).
b. For a non-POD class type, call a default constructor which provides the initialised value.
c. For an array type, default initialise every element of the array.

> when does it occur?

a. A variable (with automatic, static, or thread-local storage duration) is declared with no initializer.
eg. void foo() { int x ; /*x is default initialised */ }

b. An object is created by a new-expression with no initializer
eg. void foo() { int* x = new int ; /*the object of type int is default initialised */ }

c. when a base class or a non-static data member of a class is not explicitly initialised in a constructor initializer list or via a default-member-initialiser.
struct A { int x ; std::string y ; };

void foo() { A a ; /*members x and y are default initialised */ }

Thanks for all the replies, I came across this:
“Primitive types remain uninitialized”
Is this true, I’ve also noticed some of the replies say yes and no, I’m confused.
I’ve also noticed some of the replies say yes and no,

it's "yes" or "no" depending on how precise you are with your language. There is an initial value, but you can't tell what it is. Formally this is described as "default-initialized to an indeterminate value", informally "uninitialized".

(if you want to be absolutely precise, this is a combination of the rules from and )
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To default-initialize an object of type T means:

If T is a (possibly cv-qualified) class type, constructors are considered. ....

If T is an array type, each element is default-initialized.

Otherwise, no initialization is performed.

IS -

Default initialisation of primitive types like int comes under the 'otherwise' clause:
ie. "no initialization is performed."
Global or static local POD types are initialised to 0,0.0,'\0',NULL (as appropriate to their type).

int global;  // will be 0
int main ( ) {
    static double local;  // will be 0.0
Default initialisation of primitive types like int comes under the 'otherwise' clause:
ie. "no initialization is performed."

What about global variables what clause would they come under?
Zero-initialisation: global variables have static storage duration.

static and thread-local variables that aren't constant-initialized are zero-initialized before any other initialization takes place. If the definition of a non-class non-local variable has no initializer, then default initialization does nothing, leaving the result of the earlier zero-initialization unmodified.
What about global variables what clause would they come under? "all variables that ... are not local have static storage duration, then "a variable with static storage duration ... is zero-initialized", then "To zero-initialize ... means ... the object is initialized to the value obtained by converting the integer literal 0 (zero) to T;"

(or, indeed, follow cppreference quoted above, it's simpler than the actual spec)
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