C++ Implementing Lists Within Lists Using Structs/Classes

I am trying to conceptualize how to get started with a project to basically have two linear linked lists managed using a combination of structs and classes. The general format is to have a list of containers, with each possible container having its own list of contents. Visually something like:

[Container] -> [Container] -> [Container] -> NULL
     |              |
[  Item   ]    [   Item  ]
     |              |
[  Item   }        NULL

I'm not having any difficulty with the initial list of containers, and have that implemented. Where I'm running into difficulty is how to manage the lists of items within a given container.

Is it better to have two list classes? That way each time I'm creating the lists of managed items I'm creating a new instance of that list class? Or is there something that's maybe easier that I'm missing?

Any help on how to get started would be great.

No use of the list class.
I'm not quite to the point of vectors, etc.

Let me know if anyone has any helpful advice.
a list of lists is fine. Ideally they would be the same thing, via a template...
eg mylist <mylist <dataclass> > everything; //a list of lists of dataclass

If you don't know templates, you can either mimic them with some horrid thing (union or pointers can both do it) or just make 2 list classes (this is not ideal at all, best avoided, is extra work).

consider, without templates being available, ..
struct node
mylist* mlp;
dataclass* dcp;
node * next;

class mylist
node * me; //this can be either a list or a dcp.

mylist foo;
foo.me ->mlp->me->dcp.something; //a piece of data, public access issue aside.

or uglies
foo.me->next->me->mlp->me->dcp .... //first item in second list in the list of lists. If I did that right.

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