BEGINNER: Virtual function and polymorphic

Pages: 12
you gonna loan me some money so i can drop it and try again later ?
Nope. Even if I had it to give, your level of effort so far don't indicate it would be a good investment.
Okay then. Don’t make stupid recommendation of me dropping a class and having to pay for it again then
If I were just learning C++ as leisure your recommendation would be valid. Fully learn beginner functions before I ask advanced stuff.

One can't realistically ignore fundamentals and hope to succeed (or even understand anything about this topic).

Remember, we have no idea what's going on in your life. If you won't or can't drop the class, at least make sure to focus your effort in the right place. That means studying the basics first, and -- if necessary, making sure that you're in the right state of mind to study effectively.

I suggest explaining the situation to your professor. Best case he or she can offer assistance. In the worst case he or she tells you flat out that it is no longer possible for you to pass -- in which case you can focus your effort elsewhere.
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Pages: 12