how to connect, extract data and send email?


I need to know how I can make a console program that:

-be able to connect to a web,
-extract a specific data,
-treat that data and send an email if necessary,
-and after a while repeat the loop until new order.

any ideas?

I do not ask you to give me the entire program, I just need to know what functions / libraries / etc are necessary in each step, and if you can give me a little guide I would appreciate it.

Thank you

PS: my idea is to have an initial menu that allows to execute the loop or exit.

If I execute the loop it should carry out the flow of actions until the user stops it or there is a failure, in both cases it should return to the initial menu.
Sounds like you need this ->

Check out the examples relevant to the steps you want to achieve.
I'm going to look at it, thanks, Salem
Check out the POCO library:

Maybe this is also worth a look:
I also take note. thank you coder777
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