

I am having a hard time understand the linkedlist (add,insert,delete) at first or at last. I attempted to search online and read books but I still dont get it. It's really confusing.

can someone out there help me with this?
do you mean std::list?
If you mean std::list have a look at
awesome site! im so glad I found it
the intesen site doesnt have anything at all
raggers, i was talking about the linkedlist, nodes to nodes etc..
std::list is a linked list. But a linked list, in general, is simply a collection of nodes which hold some data and a pointer to the next node (and, in the case of a doubly linked list, a pointer to the previous node too). Inserting or removing a node is just a matter of deallocating memory and rearranging pointers. Wikipedia has a pretty good explanation:
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