Recommendation for next book

Pages: 12
Alright, so I'm on chapter 14 out of 16 in Accelerated C++ 2000, page 355 of 402(there's 453 pages but the rest are reference pages). And I'm wondering on which book to start on next. I basically want to learn how to do GUI first, make actual window applications with buttons, pictures, icons, sounds and everything! Then later on I would like to do reverse engineering where I can modify programs, games, windows 7 gina, etc. It could be DLL injection, direct memory modification(patching), etc. Then after the long journey, make some vidya games.

Would Ivon Hortan's Beginning Visual C++ 2005 be good? If not, what would be a good book for C++ GUI? Also, I use Visual Studio 2010 if that helps.
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C++ GUI, Programming with QT4, Second Edition

There are a lot of GUI libraries of C++, QT4 is one of them
It is free, well design, portable, easy to learn and keeping update

besides, if you are a novice like me, you may need to study the "effective" series

effective C++
more effective C++
effective STL
Effective series? Is it just more boring console code that doesn't really do anything interesting?

Is it just more boring console code that doesn't really do anything interesting?

Not doing anything interesting is a failure of the programmer, not the book.
Well I want to do interesting stuff but they require API knowledge and other advanced stuff. That's why I want a book that will give me examples of the things I listed so it's a tutorial to show you how to do it.
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If you want away from the console, people here often recommend SFML.
I don't mind console actually, it's just that I want to make useful things. If I'll be doing things in console that's actually useful/interesting then it's all good. Such as networking with Console, file manipulation in console (finding files, renaming files, etc), edit existing programs, I can't think of any other examples off the top of my head but so far all I've been doing is making school grading programs with Accelerated C++ 2000 however they were very good examples to help you understand the higher level of programming along the way that were constantly improving the programs and making them more advanced.
i applaud you for making it through that book. the information is solid but it has the most boring sample code ive ever read in my life. I have over a dozen c++ books and none of them put me to sleep like accelerated c++ did. it pains me to say it because i know so many like it and its so popular but god i hated those examples. im gonna have night terrors of grade programs for 3 months now just being reminded of that book.

Ive been going through other c++ books trying to solidify what i know if that helps. it seems like my own personal knowlege is weakest at the very end of c++ books.

I dont think reading 1 c++ book is enough. but that is my warped view of things.

I think next you should read the C++ faq lite you can google it and it should come up.
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So what do you learn in the "effective" series? Also any suggestions for anymore books? And what do you guys think of Ivon Hortan's Beginning Visual C++ 2005?
The most important things I learn from the "effective" series isI have to study more and more

When I though I am "very good" just because I finished a book or know C++ better than my classmates
Effective series told me I am still have a long way to go

"Effective C++" and similar are not (and are not intended to be) books to learn C++ from. They are intended to introduce a number of common elements of bad style or common misunderstandings, and in discussing them make the reader a better C++ programmer.

I recommend them to everyone who codes in C++, but they are not books meant to teach C++.
closed account (D80DSL3A)
I am working through Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2008 (written specifically for the VS 2008 editions). I chose his book because I like his writing style and his examples are well formed and clear.

Downside is heavy focus on using the MFC, which the Express versions of VS don't support.
Upsides include (for those interested) his parallel presentation of C++/CLI programming ( .NET).
He covers using the STL, writing DLLs and at least 6 chapters devoted to windows programming.
It is a massive tome at just over 1,300 pages.

I'm finding that I already know almost everything in the 1st 8 chapters (as far as I've gotten now), so I'll be ready for a "not-for-beginners" book next. Time to focus on learning algorithms?

I'd recommend it, but it does start with the very basics so the 1st half of the book may be just review for you.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Well I want to do interesting stuff but they require API knowledge and other advanced stuff. That's why I want a book that will give me examples of the things I listed so it's a tutorial to show you how to do it.

Programming Windows 5th Edition
Charles Petzold

followed by

Windows via C/C++ 5th Edition
Jeffrey Richter


Windows Internals 5th Edition
Mark E. Russinovich and David A. Solomon
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Programming Windows 5th Edition
Charles Petzold

I've been reading the reviews/responses and people are saying that it's for programming in C and not C++. Is this true?
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Windows is written in C, so yeah you actually write C code there. Doesn't prevent you from learning a bit about C++ though.

But honestly? If you think you need a GUI to do "interestening" stuff, you are misled. Sure, GUI's ARE interestening. But in the end what you do is not too different from writing console applications.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
It is C but then Windows API is C.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
But honestly? If you think you need a GUI to do "interestening" stuff, you are misled. Sure, GUI's ARE interestening.

and Windows API is more than just a GUI
Books are extremely boring... All I have to say...haha
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Books are extremely boring... All I have to say...haha

Yes? It a shame they are so useful for disseminating knowledge.
All I have to say

Truer than you realise.
Pages: 12