loop goes forever at wrong spot

Pages: 12
yeah i have memorized how to write a class function struct etc, because else i would have to write a program someone else has done and gamecodez im challenging your math
Memorization in C++ is important for basics. But the language is too big to memorize all of it, even without adding in other libraries. I think it's more important to learn how to quickly find the information in the doc library that you need.
+1 ciphermagi

Memorizing common language syntax: yes

Memorizing obscure language syntax: no (I still have to look up how to do member function pointers)

Memorizing STL / APIs: hell no. I mean the common stuff you should know, but to memorize it all is just crazy.
Hmm. I think memorization is important in C++. That way you wont even have to look at the documentation. You'll just know =].

If you practise this you got to fried your brains! Imagine you develop software with multiple programming languages and all of them have their own set of API you want to memorize them all?!?!
to memorize it all is just crazy.

depends on your level, I'd say knowing the names of the classes and functions available in the C++ standard library is just the beginning: a good engineer knows the complexities, the trade-offs, quality of implementations, shortcomings, and workarounds.
Now, memorizing Java is just crazy :)
Nope, you just need an idea of what do you want. Then just apropos, whatis and man.

You do need to know about data structures and algorithms. Complexity you could figure out with common sense (¿how that could be implemented?).
But that is no dependant of the language.
well obviously you can't know all of it, but knowing most of the tutorial is doable and reasonable. @gamecodez: yes, we can agree that I am insane, but you can't divide by zero. EVER. Im pretty sure that you cant divide a while loop at all

That's one class. Memorizing all of the constructors alone would be a pain in the ass. As long as you know they exist, you don't need to do anything more.
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Pages: 12