Can anyone suggest a good compiler?

So, I took a starting-level c++ course at a local college, and we used "quincy", which has worked fine so far with one notable drawback: it doesn't display line numbers. This is ok when you're doing a hello world program or something, but when you're trying to do something that's seriously long, it can become inconvenient. Can anyone suggest a better free compiler to use?
Visual C++
I like Visual C++ and Code::Blocks
Thank you. 2 votes for visual C++ is enough to get me to try it.

By the way, does logic in C++ run from left to right or right to left? I mean, if I say
if (a || b && c)
count << "yes";
will it output "yes" if a or (b and c) is true or if (a or b) and c is true?
And is there a way to use parentheses to change this?
1) It's dependent on operator precedence. IIRC && has a higher precedence so:

a || b && c
is the same as
a || (b && x)

2) Yes, you can force certain expressions to be evaluated first by using parentheses like normal.
Once again, thank you.
The author of Quincy has made a portable version of CodeBlocks.

Search for CodeBlocks EDU
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