Math Solver

I am currently in school obtaining my bs in computer science and hate math and since i dont use it I had an idea.

Is there a way to make a algebra math solver where you would type the math problem and it would show you the answer and how to find the answer

like this.

and then show the steps to get the answer?


x = 21 + 13

This sounds kind of like WolframAlpha. Is that what you mean?
There's a program that does that for highschool students. Its called "Microsoft Math 2007". Try to find it. it solves also trigonometric problems, simple geometry problems, does plots and solves simple calculus problems.

If you don't care about showing the steps, there are plenty of programs that solve math problems for you:

Mathematica (my personal preferance)
Matlab (Advanced)
Maple (simple and kinda intuitive)
MathCAD (very simple and very intuitive, I used to use more than 5 years ago)
To make something you first need to know how to do it. And program this steps in program.
Microsoft Math 2007 does show steps, even for quadratic equations.
ok yeah microsoft math 07 will work thanks. I dont get why i have to take anything more than algebra 1 when i will never need it as a software engineer
hehehehe... you can't be more wrong my friend, programming depends deeply on math. Smart algorithms always depend on math. Be patient, truth will show up in the future :)
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