where is the Mistake ??

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void main ()


int x, i;

int avg, sum=0;

int Array [] = {34,45,56,38,42,51,53};

x= sizeof(Array)/4;

for (i=0; i<x; i++)

sum = sum + Array [i];


avg= sum / x;

cout <<"The Addition of the numbers:\n"<<sum<<x<<endl;

cout <<"\nNums of Pre-Enterd value:\n" <<x\n << endl;

cout << "The Avarage of the calculated nums is:\n" << avg << endl;

system ("pause");



Maybe you should remove outputing x in the line

cout <<"The Addition of the numbers:\n"<<sum<<x<<endl;

Also here

cout <<"\nNums of Pre-Enterd value:\n" <<x\n << endl;

you shall remove \n after x
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And remove the \n from the second cout line like this:

cout << "\nNums of Pre-Enterd value:\n" << x << endl;

It works for me without it.
I believe that main is supposed to be an int function. Try fixing that.
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