Advice on books

I'm new at programming. I just started to learn C++ using CodeBlocks. I was wondering what C++ books for beginners you guys would recommend?
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closed account (iG3b7k9E)
It depends what level of c++ you are right now. You see I'm 13 and I wanted to start easy, simple, and with easy vocabulary, so I used the book Beginning Programing for Dummies to get started. I know it says dummies in the title but I'm not dumb and I'm sure you are not ether, but it is a good book for a reference and to get started. After you learn enough from the book to write small programs you can go to YouTube and watch tutorials on how to do some things you're stuck on. That is what I did and now I write programs including several forms and I made my own Web Browser. If are already ahead of that starter level, you should try collage books.

I hope this will help.
Well. There are a lot of good books about c++, each has different style! I'll suggest you what I find Interesting:
1) C++ Without Fear (Second Edition) by Brian Overland
2) Programming Principles and Practice Using C++ by   Bjarne Stroustrup
3) C++ For Dummies (5th Edition) by Stephen Randy Davis

then continue with:
4) Professional C++ (Seceond Edition) by Marc Gregoire,...
The number 4 is for Professional C++ and Best book on C++ (I think)

If you interested in C, Then best book is:
Beginning C: From Novice to Professional (Fourth Edition) by Ivor Horton

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Thanks for the answers, I'm going to get Programming Principles and Practice by Bjarne Stroustrup. Seemed like the best one to get after reading reviews.
Stroustrup was the founder of C++ so he knows best. I read a few of his books, but never PPP, but some of them are hard to focus on. They're great books, don't get me wrong, but I'd suggest the C++ for dummies if you know nothing, and then work into one of Stroustup's books from there.
C++ Primer by Lippmann and LaJoie. Best learning book I've ran across, and is a solid reference for when you're actually working.
I've been studying C++ using information online for about 2 months, so I'm not a complete beginner. But I still have a lot to learn about the language which is why I wanted to get a book. Stroustrup being the founder of C++ makes me lean more toward getting his book. But if I do decide to get C++ Primer, should I get the 4th edition or wait until August, when the 5th edition comes out.
You may find it worth your while to have a look at 'Accelerated C++'
I second the suggestions regarding the following books, all excellent:
- Programming Principles and Practice by Bjarne Stroustrup
- C++ Primer by Lippmann and LaJoie
- Accelerated C++

I'd recommend against anything entitled remotely similar to "Learn C++ in Three Days", see:

And, last but not least, read and follow this advice:
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There's a really good textbook:
fundamentals of C++: Introductory course that you can get dirt cheap (10 bucks as opposed to 100) off of amazon or barnes and noble. This one is really good, but somewhat outdated.
I've read all of these books and the ones that are being reccomended are horrible except JLborges.

Accelerated C++ is by far the best intro book. Followed by two non intro books C++ Primer and Programming Principles .. by Stroustup then by one (i consider 'expert' book) Effective C++.

Thinking in C++ vol 2 part 2 is a good semi-expert book and is free.
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