i am wondering about iostream..

just a quick question, I have been programming for less than a week, learning all sorts of neat stuff, but making sure I am trying to learn everything. The one thing I have noticed is that when I look at mostly everybody else's source code you seem to have a .h on your guys preprocessor. <iostream.h>,etc. I don't have that on my confiler and it runs fine, am I missing something, or does this not matter at all.. I was just wondering.. thanks
closed account (j2NvC542)
There is no ".h"-version of iostream, since iostream is a C++ specific header. Usually the headers with a ".h" appended are C headers, while headers with a 'c' prepended come from C++. This only applies to the standard library, since everyone can name his headers as he wants, obviously.
For example <stdlib.h> is a C header and <cstdlib> is a C++ header. If you go to the reference page, you will see the STL headers listed with this naming convention on the left hand side.
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I think #include <iostream.h> was used by some compilers before the official C++ standard came out. Some horribly out of date compilers like Dev-C++ haven't been updated.

If you see <iostream.h> ignore it. That is out of date.
thanks guys I was just wondering, now I am going to go back and write some code this helps a lot!
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