Try to figure the math expression for this one!?

One large chemical company pays its salepeople on a commission basis. The salepeople recevie $200 per week plus 9 precent of their gross sales for that week. For example, a salperson who sells $5000 worth of chemicals in a week receives $200 plus 9 precent of $5000, or a total of $650. Develop a C++ program that will input each salesperson's gross sales for last week and calculate and display that saleperson's earning. Process one saleperson's figures at a time.

I tried to give it a shot but this is what I got:

Worth of Chemeical / 9 + 2.....

Idk if that's right....

Enter sales in dollars: $5000.00
Salary is: $650.00 
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Nine percent means 9 hundredeths.

Amount earned = 200 + ( amount sold * 9.0 / 100.0 )
TROLL again
If DetectiveRawr is a troll he is one of the more timid ones considering what we have seen here in the past. It's probably best to just ignore him and all his threads.
I don't think he's a troll. I think he just likes the idea of programming but hasn't taken enough maths1 classes to be able to think logically enough.

1. The formal study of mathematics is by no means the only way to learn how to think logically and coherently about variables and algorithms, but it is the most widely available means in a typical first-world education system.
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Thank you Moschops, I took geometry and next year, I will take algebra 2.
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