save a map in a vector that contains maps

Hey all,

I want to save a map in a vector that contains maps :
vector<map<string,unsigned int>>

vector<map<string,unsigned int>> map_vec;
vector<map<string,unsigned int>>::iterator mapind; // iterator for vector
map<string,unsigned int> mapst;

*mapind=mapst; // why that is wrong ?? how to correct it ??

Thank you
If the vector is empty you may not assign to it elements such a way. Use push_back method instead.
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Iterators are just temporary objects that hold a piece of their associated STL container. In this case you want to do:


instead of your *mapind=mapst;

If you need further help with this just ask! I've been making maps of maps of maps of vectors recently so I'm pretty much wired on the subject

thank u
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