wxWidgets MSYS problem

Hey guys,

I tried to setup wxWidgets on Windows with MSYS and MinGW. I used the MinGW Shell (MSYS) to build and install the library.

My procedure:

1) Create a new directory ('build-debug')
2) Run the configure script with a few arguments
3) Run make
4) Install the compiled library (make install)

--> no Error! Everything worked fine!

But: After that I tried to compile a little example. (g++ test.cpp -owxTest) But the compiler told me that 'wx/wx.h' can't be found. I'm a little bit confused because I believed that the compiler (+ msys) knows the include dir after my 4th step. Probably I have to modify the parameters of my build process and I hope you can tell my what I've done wrong and how to fix it.

If you need more information please tell me!

Hey, I have a similar problem, but it's weirder. My GL package just didn't come with GLUT. Does anyone know where I can get just that one header?
You haven't used Google? - BTW: You're problem isn't similar. - You are looking for a header and I have a problem with my wxWidgets installation.


Good luck
I'm very sorry but I need help! -- PUSH ---
how do you compile? what ide if any?

the environment variables are not changed [permanently]. You need to do this with windows system, lik so:


I'd recommend to use the include path of the compiler.
I don't use any IDE - I'm using Programmer's Notepad.

I tried to compile my example code with msys and the g++ compiler. I'm not sure but I think msys emulates a UNIX-like environment and g++ looks in the UNIX specific include directories. (when I call g++ in msys) So I haven't updated any variables.
msys simulates a unix environment to a certain (rather narrow) extend. It's usually used to run scripts.

you don't need msys for the (mingw) g++ compiler. As an IDE I suggest using Code::Blocks.

Especially as a beginner you shouldn't bother with makefiles where you would have permanently problems with files and pathes
My bad...I thought that wxWidgets was a header.
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