Math issue with long max

Hey, quick question. I'm doing a program putting in the long max plus one and the min minus one, but I keep getting an error and am not sure what the problem is. My line for this is:

std::cout<< "The long max is: " <<std::dec<<(LONG_MAX)+1 << std::endl;

Thanks for any help.
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Are you getting something like this? warning: integer overflow in expression [-Woverflow]

LONG_MAX is already the maximum value a long can have. Adding one to that is signed arithmetic overflow, which is undefined behavior in C and C++.

On those systems where it is compiled, it typically produces LONG_MIN, see for example
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Yes, that's what I'm getting. That makes sense though. I'm wondering if I'm misunderstanding what is being asked, because I haven't seen anyone else having this problem. The question is
"Now, print the decimal (base 10) values of adding one to each variable containing the maximum numbers and subtracting one from the variables containing the minimum values (even zero for unsigned)."
Is there something I am misreading in this?
Yes, there's something you are misreading.
adding one to each variable

This code does not have any variable:
std::cout<< "The long max is: " <<std::dec<<(LONG_MAX)+1 << std::endl;

Compare this:
    long test = LONG_MAX;

    cout << "test = " << test << endl;
    cout << "test + 1 = " << test << endl;

The second version defines a variable called "test". This is given the initial value of LONG_MAX.
Its value is displayed, one is added to the variable and it is displayed again.

The difference is that in the original code, the addition is done at compile-time and the overflow is reported by the compiler as a warning or an error.

In the second version, the addition is done at run-time. There is still an overflow, but it will take place 'silently'.

Oooh wow that clears up a lot! Thank you very much!
One last thing. I got it to work, so based on what was said earlier, should my answer for the long max + 1 result in the long min (-9223372036854775808)?
It's undefined behavior, so it could be anything. Most compilers I've seen will simply overflow to the lowest possible value, but that's not something you can or should depend on.
Yes, that sounds right.
It's just a matter of how the binary values which are used internally are interpreted as either a positive or negative number. So yes, the largest positive number will overflow to give the largest negative number (when using signed values).

Look at it in terms of the binary values - using just 3 bits here:
Signed Integer
Binary Decimal
  000     0 
  001    +1
  010    +2
  011    +3
  100    -4
  101    -3
  110    -2
  111    -1

Exactly the same binary values may be interpreted as an unsigned value like this:
unsigned integer
Binary Decimal
  000     0 
  001     1
  010     2
  011     3
  100     4
  101     5
  110     6
  111     7
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