error message:error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mainCRTStartup

// preprocessor directives----
#include <iostream> // for program input & output
#include <string> // for string class data
#include <iomanip> // for formatting output
using namespace std;

/* Function: main() *************************************************
* application entry point
int main()

/* declarations ***********************************************
declare program data
string name; // contributor's name
int targetContribution; // target contribution amount to the dollar
int actualContribution; // actual contribution amount made to the dollar
int difference; // calculated difference of the target and actual contributions

/* statements *************************************************
code program instructions: will ask for contribution target and actual amount. Will take the
difference of the target and actual amount and display it.

// display program headings
cout << "Project/program name:U01_BelowTargetReport" << endl;
cout << "by" << endl;
cout << "Joe Blough" << endl;

// enter program loop (do while)

// Step #1: input
cout << "Enter Contributors name: "; //ask for contributor's name
cin >> name;

cout << "Enter target contribution: "; //ask for target contribution
cin >> targetContribution;

cout << "Enter actual contribution: "; //ask for actual contribution
cin >> actualContribution;

// Step #2: processing
difference = targetContribution - actualContribution; // calculate the difference between actual contribution
// and assign the number to difference

// Step #3: output

// display the report column headings
// format & print column heading row

cout << "Name Target Actual Difference" << endl;
cout << "----------------------------" << endl;

// display the report detail line
// 1 - format & display user name
cout << left; // justification
cout << setw(10); // width for column data
cout << name; // name of contributor

// 2 - format & display target contribution
cout << right; // justification
cout << setw(6); // width for column data
cout << targetContribution; // target contribution amount

// 3 - format & display actual contribution
cout << right; // justification
cout << setw(10); // width for column data
cout << actualContribution; // target contribution amount

// 4 - format & display difference
// note: positive number means target met
cout << right; // justification
cout << setw(14); // width for column data
cout << difference; // target contribution amount

// see if the user wants to continue or to exit the program

cout << "More contributions to process? (y/n): ";
cin >> choice;

cout << endl << "..........................." << endl;

// end of program loop;
// perform application until choice isn't equal to "y" or "Y"
} while (choice == "y" || choice == "Y");

// program termination
// main() program termination (required in all programs)

return 0;

error message: Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mainCRTStartup J:\rvc 276\CIS276\27602_IntroToCPP\U01_BelowProjectReport\LINK
that's usually because you choose the wrong project type.
So you need to create a new project where you need to make sure that it is actually a console project
You don't really need to start a new project. Just go to project settings, linker settings, then system and change subsystem to "not set". It will link based on which entry point function you have defined.
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