Beginners - February 2008

What are the benefits of the templates?
What are the benefits of the templates? Explain briefly.
[1 reply] : Let's take a data structure for example. A list will work fine. Wo... (by Ganon11)
Which Of the following operators cannot be overloaded?
A)new B)delete C)+= D)sizeof What are the benefits of templates?
[1 reply] : e) Do your own homework. (by cpjust)
by fubar
enter input variable by SPACE?
Hello all, I just beginning to learn C++ as my first programming language. Obviously, I played around with a standard I/O program for starters. Now I st...
[2 replies] Last: Use cin.get(changer, number of charters to fit, ending charter); inste... (by Otto)
if-else statement error
#include <stdio.h> main() { char str ; printf ("Do you want to insert lines to your program?\n"); scanf ("%s",str); printf(str); if (str=="yes") ...
[4 replies] Last: Hey! Wait a second! You aren't the OP! If you are going to po... (by Duthomhas)
Question about Header files.
I'm new to C++ (newish, I've played around a little) and I have minor to moderate experience with Java (a couple of introductory college courses). So, that's ju...
[3 replies] Last: @tehDickman Header files are regular text files just like any other... (by Duthomhas)
Sorry, I don't know what this problem is called.
My teacher gave us this assignment, I don't want to ask him, because it looks like I didn't read the chapter. But, I cannot find the answer to this one and hope...
[2 replies] Last: whoa, that works and that is in the chapter as well. So success! Thank... (by yetidaddy)
by Resk
Newbie need help!
Hello all, i started studing basic c++ programing in sweden, and are atm at a final test for the course. Im supose to build a program that will creat a "pat...
[4 replies] Last: Cheers for the replys! awesomealpha, that was exacly what i was loo... (by Resk)
I am just starting out and was wondering if there was a reason to choose wxDev-C++ over Dev-C++ as a beginner. How about Borland's Turbo C++ Explorer?
[7 replies] Last: noob: If your professor recommended using VC++ 6.0, I'd consider swit... (by cpjust)
by zachlr
Force fullscreen?
Is there a way to force a C++ console program to go fullscreen on Windows? My laptop for example does not support fullscreen so is there a way for the program ...
[1 reply] : Vista doesn't support fullscreen console applications. Google "msdn... (by Duthomhas)
Errors with arrays and Overloading the << operator
ok the basic idea here was to loop through the array representing a big integer the problem is it doesn't compile at all i get teh following errors. error: e...
[1 reply] : Make sure to #include <fstream> when doing I/O operator overloads. ... (by Duthomhas)
by natt
Arrays in a craps game
Help. My brain has stopped working! I need to run this craps program 1000 times and at the end show its stats. Such as how many games are won/lost on the first...
[1 reply] : Its ok now. Brain is working today and I've sorted it. (by natt)
assigning numbers to variables with already assigned values
hi all, is there anyway to remove a value of a variable with something like void so input can be assigned to it again? what i mean is e = 0; while...
[3 replies] Last: bump.... ill take that as a no?? (by bgbnbigben)
by Antef
integer to string and back
Please explain me if there is any way in MS-DOS applications to transform integer to string and string to integer. Thank you!
[2 replies] Last: Or in C++, use a std::stringstream #include <sstream> #include <s... (by cpjust)
Looping logic dilemma
This project is for an intro to programming class. I need to: 1. receive input from a user in the form of an integer 2. construct an html table - every thr...
[2 replies] Last: 09208882941 (by albuerne)
by Lami
need help urgent...
hey evevryone... i got this program i gotta type up using the pseudo code but i really don't know how to do it... its due for tomorrow and i'm lost... if an...
[no replies]
Trying to get some help for an assignment. When declaring variables (Ex. Ice cream) and you want the user to input 0 for Vanilla, 1 for Chocolate and 2 for ...
[2 replies] Last: Haven't gotten to enum yet! But thanks for the quick help. (by heyabellajane)
random numbers question
hellow every body!! i want asimple way to make a random value to use it in a gaim or what ever but i've tried to see it from (how to program) it was quite com...
[1 reply] : Google "srand" and hit "I'm feeling lucky". At the bottom of that ther... (by Duthomhas)
Need help with syntax (code inside).
The topic says it all. The line with the error is this: SetUpAndWelcome(seedNumber, rollNumber, index, rollArray );. What the compiler says is: Synt...
[1 reply] : Make sure to prototype the function properly: void SetUpAndWelcome(i... (by Duthomhas)
Quadratic Equation
I've been looking over this problem I have for my programming class, and quite honestly, I can't figure out how I should write this quadratic equation. In ca...
[5 replies] Last: try to execute the following code i hope it will work properly #in... (by vijaycpp)
plz help
i want the perfect definition for this two c++ concepts: program style. documentation. soooon
[1 reply] : Professors don't care about the perfect definition. (They already know... (by Duthomhas)
February 2008 Pages: 123... 10
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