Beginners - February 2021 (Page 12)

copy assignment operator - arrays
Hello, I am learning to create the assignment operator to work with arrays. I have used it before and thought i understood it but now it has come to arrays im s...
[13 replies] Last: The ptr may or may not be pointing to something, depending on which co... (by lastchance)
Advice Pls: Do/While/For Loops
Hey guys~! So I'm slowly learning C++ and while I understand most of it, I have hit a wall in the most recent code I've been working on. Basically I need to g...
[3 replies] Last: Just to be able to have this closed - I have found the issue and resol... (by leighbelle)
Error in folder
I got an error below: Check that the file qtr2finalgrades_sys019.dat is in the same folder as your source code..
[5 replies] Last: i mean the source code file is in the same folder as the .dat I open ... (by xmaslad)
NDK with C++
I am stuck with drawing a simple line as shown in the following tutorial:
[1 reply] : The Android emulator is still showing "Hello from C++", instead of th... (by Ganado)
Going a "bit" bananas!! HA
Ok so I had read a post the other day and I believe it was jonin that said something about being able to force a number to be odd via bitwise or=1. I thought ...
[11 replies] Last: @dhayden I appreciate it man. I totally agree with your point on the w... (by markyrocks)
Recieving infomration from sender
hi, i am making a quiz in Visual Studio C++ .NET (Frame wokr) windows Forms and i need to let know the program which from 4 buttons was Clicked. then convert it...
[8 replies] Last: I finally got around to actually creating my own CLR project instead o... (by Ganado)
by y19177
Not sure what are the mistakes
New to C++ here. I'm trying to write a program to determine the shape of a triangle(practicing enum). The program runs fine and it works as intended, but I got...
[5 replies] Last: unscoped enum doesn't cause a problem by itself. It's a C++ guideline ... (by seeplus)
Urgent: VS showing error null ptr but I cant find it
My visual studio won't let me run this program and I tried for a bit to find the error but am coming up empty handed. It give this error in a breakpoint when I ...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=Handy Andy] //#include <string> // <--- Not needed here after ... (by MikeyBoy)
strcat not working
While performing strcpy on two strings string emp_name=m_known .cName; cout << typeid(emp_name).name() ; emp_name=system(emp_name.c_str());...
[6 replies] Last: My bad.Edited it. (by pig the funnel)
Output Values are negative in Circle class
Hello, I am working on a HW assignment and I have been stuck for a few days. I finally got it to compile but the values are all off and I cannot figure out whe...
[4 replies] Last: The manifest constant M_PI is not standard C or C++; it is a Posix ext... (by JLBorges)
by fups
function to gather data using ampersand
I have to use a void function (using ampersand) to gather good data and put bad data in an error file. I am kind of stuck and have no idea what to do next. This...
[13 replies] Last: Consider based upon my previous code: #include <iostream> #include ... (by seeplus)
Hellpp Urgent. Please
Hi guys I hope someone help me with this code I'm so confused what wrong in this code why it doesn't rrun. Plssssss someone help me with thisssss. Here's...
[2 replies] Last: There's several issues the program - including not understanding strto... (by seeplus)
Beginner having issue with console app
I am trying to write a simple console app that does calculations I have done some other console apps that work fine This app prompt for the numbers then display...
[9 replies] Last: cout << "The difference: " << firstnumber - secondnumber << endl; ... (by seeplus)
by Drayt
Random string selector
I would like to create a trivia game and i need a code that chooses random questions.. i have no idea how to do that, can somebody tell me an idea of how i can ...
[3 replies] Last: Use c++ random rather than the c rand() et al. Rather than using c-sty... (by seeplus)
by telco
How to read from a .txt file
I wrote a matrix (table) and 2 other variable values in a text file. matrix table={ {0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.7}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 0}, {2, 3, 4, 0, 1}, {3, 4, 0, 1, 2}, {...
[4 replies] Last: You haven't specified the size of your array. So it is zero. So you ca... (by lastchance)
by kmce
Anonymous unions
I am reading about Anonymous unions here and it says that if they are a member of a class or structure ...
[3 replies] Last: > I will just use the first style the site shows if i ever need to us... (by JLBorges)
by avnue
Need help modifying this code to replace int with Chars
So this is practice code using if statements and such. My teacher now wants me to switch the int out for Chars that represent Grades A-F, Ive tried using char t...
[1 reply] : If you showed us the code you were trying to compile that doesn't comp... (by Ganado)
February 2021 Pages: 1... 101112
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