Beginners - June 2018 (Page 19)

by vcref
Matrix as a function parameter
I'm trying to create a function "matrix copy" (2 dimensions) that copies matrix1 to matrix2. I don't know the initial width(largura in portuguese) and height(al...
[1 reply] : you can only ever pass 1 unknown dimension. for this reason among se... (by jonnin)
HELP: Arrays Program -- I need help with it all...I don't think my code is formatted correctly, and it won't output last part
I apologize profusely in advance for how long this is...I am so lost :( :( :( This is due in 15 minutes, and I have been working on it since assigned, but st...
[2 replies] Last: This is OP's other post, which looks quite similar to this one... htt... (by icy1)
Arrays Program for my Birthday! Help me with the code?
"Write a program that makes an array of 25 random integers each from 3 to 7 (use your function randint() to generate these numbers). Your program: A) ...
[6 replies] Last: At the end of main(), you have std::cout << firstMinusLast; Since fi... (by icy1)
by Dani90
binary search complexity to calculate the best case complexity and the worst case complexity and the average complexity for this algorithm with proof: binary search(A , l ...
[2 replies] Last: think about it a bit. if you search for a value in your data and get... (by jonnin)
by Heymid
Copy assignment operator of subclass not overwriting parent class
#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct A { void operator=(const A& rhs) { cout<<"A"<<endl; } }; struct B : public A { ...
[1 reply] : Because you didn't provide one, your B class gets a default copy assig... (by Repeater)
How Can I overload operator >> and << correctly with cout and cin fucntions
How Can I overload operator >> and << correctly with cout and cin fucntions #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class Date ...
[1 reply] : Look at how those operators are used: std::cin >> foo; std::cout << f... (by keskiverto)
by wsme
Tab writer in C
Getting strange characters in my first print statement, but on none of the others. Also, code will not progress past the getName() call in line 58. Unable to fi...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry for the late reply. I'll be implementing this tomorrow and will ... (by wsme)
June 2018 Pages: 1... 171819
  Archived months: [may2018] [jul2018]

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