Difficulties to use boost

I am learning C++ at home with Visual Studio 2012, and need to do an assignment using boost libraries.

I have downloaded the latest version, but do not know exactly how to use it, how to make VS 2012 recognize boost.

I have not found clear steps to follow on MSDN or on
or any other web sites.

can anyone who know VS 2012 help, or suggest any other software I can use on Windows 7 with boost easily installed for me to practice some tutorials ?
it's simple, really.

open a console, go to the boost_1_53_0 directory, enter (one after the other):


and you're done
... almost done. You need to set up the include/lib paths for each project in Visual Studio.
You could use CMake - it will help create MSVC project simply with support of boost libraries.

Or set BOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost
and use it into MSVC as
$(BOOST_ROOT) - for sources
$(BOOST_ROOT)/bin32/lib - for libraries
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