wxWidgets Intall: Access Denied?

I keep getting an access denied message from wxWidgets... I don't understand why it is saying that; it is run in admin mode.

I successfully installed the library with default settings, but after some research, I found that I prefered different settings.

The command: mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=debug UNICODE=1 SHARED=0

And then it sits on this forever...

The Error Message:

if exist ..\..\lib\gcc_lib\Release\libwxmsw28ud_richtext.a del ..\..\lib\gcc_lib
ar rcu ..\..\lib\gcc_lib\Release\libwxmsw28ud_richtext.a gcc_mswud\Release\richt
extlib_dummy.o gcc_mswud\Release\richtextlib_richtextctrl.o gcc_mswud\Release\ri
chtextlib_richtextbuffer.o gcc_mswud\Release\richtextlib_richtextstyles.o gcc_ms
wud\Release\richtextlib_richtextxml.o gcc_mswud\Release\richtextlib_richtexthtml
.o gcc_mswud\Release\richtextlib_richtextformatdlg.o gcc_mswud\Release\richtextl
ib_richtextsymboldlg.o gcc_mswud\Release\richtextlib_richtextstyledlg.o gcc_mswu
ranlib ..\..\lib\gcc_lib\Release\libwxmsw28ud_richtext.a
mingw32-make: *** Access is denied.
.  Stop.
mingw32-make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

The way I understand it, if it is being run with administrative privelidges, this shouldn't happen, but it is...

I modified the makefile to create a folder for the object/lib files, so I could recognize where they were installed.


This worked when I used the default settings, aka: shared=1, debug=1, unicode=1.

Thank you for your help in advance!
open the wxWidgets\build\msw and edit config.gcc for your settings
then type this in your command line:
mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc

i recommend to use wxWidgets 2.9 instead of 2.8
because it has a lot of bug fixes and many features.
and for compilation, you have to have administrator writes
Is there a reason you are not using the provided configure script?

I'm not a Windows guy, but on Linux I would run the following in the wxWidgets root directory:

./configure --libdir=\path\to\release --enable-debug --enable-unicode

Run "configure -help" to see all options.

Also, since you have built before I would run "make clean".

Then run make.

i recommend to build withoutt debugging information
what type of username do you have on your computer? admin or limited!


If you're familiar with windows... you have to run somthing that modifies restricted files (like system/program files, or in this case, mabey a few global variable defines) in administrative mode, which I did.

norm b said:
Is there a reason you are not using the provided configure script?

Yes: Because I'm not running Linux, I'm using windows, and on windows, you use the make executable that comes with MinGW. The executable is called "mingw32-make.exe". It, along with all of the other components of the compiler, can be run through a command prompt which is based in the mingw directory. Note: I'm using Nuwen's distro, so it is nice... :)

About the "clean" comment, I cleaned it out after every attempt. Mind you, I'm not a newb at this. I did successfully build this thing once before, and the only difference between this one and the first is the settings.


I am going to try somthing:

retry building without cleaning it. If it is a memory problem or somthing, hopfully it will be resolved, and because of the way the compiler works, it should just continue (theoretically)...
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Not trying to be argumentative, but you can use configure scripts in Windows with MinGW. From the wxWidgets file INSTALL-MSW.txt :
Both Cygwin and MinGW can be used with configure (assuming you have MSYS installed in case of MinGW).

Since you are using nuwen's MinGW distro, from http://nuwen.net/mingw.html (just above the History table): http://nuwen.net/files/mingw/msys-10.4.7z
norm b said
you can use configure scripts in Windows with MinGW.

Only if you installed MinGW with MSYS. I did not do that. Note that it also says you can use command prompt as well.

Also, I think you misunderstand me. I know how to call one of the compiler's components from the command line...
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The file could be locked by another process or maybe anti-virus is blocking. Try temporarily disabling your AV and check task manager for anything that could be locking the file.
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