Is there an API for playing sounds on a console application?

I'm thinking of making a horror text-based game, which would use sounds, if you could also tell me of an API to display images in an alternate window that would be nice :D (I know this sounds a bit ridiculous xD).
closed account (N36fSL3A)

Would you want this to be cross-platform or for a specific OS?
You don't really need a GUI window to play sounds.
Also, I did an experiment a while ago, of an image loader that converted the image to the colorspace of the console window.
Sadly, the result was way too poor to be entertaining to anybody, but I found it a good thing.
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///I've read "Alternative way" instead of "Alternate window".
Unless you want to download libraries like GTK or QuickTime, you may want to use your OS's SDK to create a window.

For image loading, I suggest you DevIL ( )
For audio, I suggest you Bass ( )

Also you're required a bit of knowledge to be able to get everything ready to work.
Firstly, you need to be able to read documentations - They will explain what can a function do, etc etc...
Then, you need to know how to link a library to your project - This will include the other people's code in your program.

For more help, tell us which OS/IDE you're using, so we can help you step-by-step in case you're having troubles with it.
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closed account (N36fSL3A)
Why not OpenAL? What's wrong with it?

To me the interface is very similar to OpenGL. It really reminds me of it.
If you're using windows, you can use the waveout API, though it's a project in itself to set up.
Alternatively, you can try irrKlang or any of the previous suggestions.
I didn't say you shouldn't use OpenAL.
Simply, everyone has its own opinions.
If you feel I'm forcing Bass because I wrote a snippet, you can write a OpenAL snippet too, or even a Waveout or a irrKlang one.

( I don't suggest irrKlang so much, the Irrlicht family is a bit outdated )
Bass is really nice, but it's also not free for commercial use.
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