C++ design patterns of old. Do they still apply

I have the book, Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. It was written back in 1995. I know that the C++ language has gone through changes since then. Given those changes, are the patterns and examples in this book still relevant or are there updated patterns to go along with the updated nature of C++?

For C++ specific stuff I suggest you to not follow anything from earlier than 2003. Even better if 2011, because our regular C++ is the C++03, but everyone's switching over to C++11.
Thanks.. Do you know if anyone has taken a stab at updating design patterns for C++?
The purpose of the book is not to teach you c++, the snips are just for better understanding of the pattern. Beware that being pre-standard it may contain illegal or bad code.

The problems that the patterns solve are still present, so they are relevant.

PS: ¿how is the quality of your edition? mine uses monospaced font and has a lot of typographic errors making it hard to read.
If you're interested in design patterns, make sure to get Alexandrescu's "Modern C++ Design", which shows how OO patterns apply to C++ specifically.
Hi ne555...

Right, I know it's all about the patterns themselves not learning C++.

Regarding the condition of the book? As mentioned the copywright is 1994, but this is a 32nd printing in April 2005. Also, I've never read the book from front to back. I've picked at it here and there.

Excellent, I will check it out! I was unaware of that book. Having said that, I've been away from C++ for about 15 years... Been doing mostly C#, HTML, JavaScript and Adobe Flex...

I'm getting back into C++ because I'm bored with writing the same kind of database driven Windows and or Web apps... Want to start doing something a bit more low level maybe?? I dunno... But different for sure.
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Hi Cubbi,
I just looked up that book, I find that I would have the same question about that book as I do the Design Patterns book I already have. The language is still pre C++ 11

Curious on your thoughts on that...
You shouldn't have to worry.
The most used patterns come for C++03, C++11 just has some additions (variadic template arguments, auto and declspec, ...) and you can usually learn them at a second time.
I'm almost sure C++03 code will always work for C++11 (some deprecations put aside - to know more, you can read cplusplus.com's documentation).
Personally I don't know about C++11 books, because I've learnt it by myself when it came out, following our members' suggestions and reading docs.
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