Back Color

Hello Everyone,
I want to know about some best color schemes for my windows form application.
Please give some suggestion by telling me the red green and blue color combinations or by some code, so that my application looks attractive to user.
Thank You.
Use the defaults.

Lots of people customize their color schemes to look how they want. If you don't use the defaults, your program won't use their desired colors.
When I started raw Win32, I was disappointed because all of my applications used the Win98 theme instead of Win7.

This fixed it:
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency: \"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' " "version='' processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
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Thank you all,
Actually I want to change the Back ground color of my application to look interactive.
In default case, it doesn't look interactive even to me and the effect of boarder is also there so I want some nice color combination of background color and buttons etc. and also it matches with the border of the application.
Thank You.
If you want your application to appear interactive without using default widgets, make sure you handle the different states appropriately.

IE: Highlight your button whenever you mouseover it. Add shading to the bottom and left edges of your button to make it appear as though it's sticking out. When you have a button pressed, change the colours around so that it looks like it's sticking in.
Disch is right, the appearance of the Window is a user preference and "attractiveness" is a subjective term so let them decide what looks good.

Story Time: There is one application that I have to support where I work that does what the OP here is trying to accomplish. It uses a colorized Gantt chart to display data. We noticed right away that valid time frames would blend with invalid ones and they both looked exactly the same on the chart no matter how we tried to set them. It turned out that the contrast ratio that the developers had targeted was much greater then what our monitors could achieve. When we called the vendor to get this issue resolved we were told that this component of the program that sets the color was integral to the display component of the rest of the application. They basically rewrote how Windows draws rendering contexts from the ground up in order to facilitate this. Their final word on the issue was that their product is not compatible with LCD monitors. Let me type that again so that you know it isn't a mistake on my part, the vendor told us, back in 2012, that their software was not compatible with Liquid Crystal Display monitors... There is a lesson somewhere in here OP.
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