Tabulation in a .txt !!

Guys, I hope you can help me. I need to do a program, in which I create the sin function, but that's not the point... How can I tabulate the results in a .txt file? I mean, how do I create a table that contains my results?
Well, first you'd have to create a .txt file with the following statement:
ofstream myFile("OutputData.txt");

From there, you can use myFile as you would std::cout, including all of the stream manipulators, such as \t and \n for tab and newline, respectively.

So you could do something like

myFile << dataX << '\t' << dataY << '\n';

Which would write two piece of data, separated by a tab into your output file and start a new line.

Is that what you were looking for?

EDIT: Source:
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Thanks Aaron for help! I haven't tested the code, but yes, I'm familiar with how we can write inside a .txt file. But, could you write a code that builds a table, in which column 1 is for one type of data, the column 2 for a different type and the 3rd for another type?

I mean, how can we tabulate data? o.O

** What I'm asked to do is a program that gets the results of sin(x) and cos(x) if x is between -2*PI and 2*PI with a step of 0,001. That means:

X[0] = -2*PI
X[1] = -2*PI + 0,001
X[2] = X[1] + 0,001
(and so on)

I'm already having problems generating the numbers...

int definicionElementosX (int j, double PI) {
double elementos[1000];
if (yaHecho == "si") {
return elementos[j];
else {
elementos[1] = -2*PI;
i = 2;
do {
elementos[i] = elementos[1] + i * 0,001;
i ++;
} while (elementos[i] <= 2*PI);
yaHecho = "si";
return elementos[1];

That's the function I created and when I use it:

int j = 1; double X[1000];
do {
X[j] = definicionElementosX (j, PI);
cout << "X["<<j<<"] = " << setprecision(4) << X[j] << endl;
j ++;
} while (X[j] <= 2*PI);

I'm not getting the results I want! :( The results are 0! And some are in scientific terms...
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What Aaron Vienneau said should work, unless you are wanting to draw the contents of an array to a txt in a tabular form?
Yes, I want that. But now that I just tested the code Aaron Vienneau provided, I realize that it's easier if we don't include some kind of bars that separate the results. But is it possible to separate the results in a tabular form and can you check the code I left in my previous answer?
I think I know my mistake: I defined the function as int, instead of double! :D
If you're Looking to draw the results to a table in a .txt file, you'd have to use ASCII art.

Something like,

|___Cell 1__|___Cell 2__|___Cell 3__|
|___Cell 4__|___Cell 5__|___Cell 6__|
|___Cell 7__|___Cell 8__|___Cell 9__|

As plain text files cannot contain graphics of any kind. But this would be terribly time-consuming for very little benefit. Not to mention, it would make reading the file back into a program, an absolute nightmare. Alternatively, you could look into LibXL which apperantly is a C++ library that allows you to read and write .xlsx files; which are, by nature, tabulated.
Thanks for your help Aaron Vienneau! But I figured a code that can tabulate some results a little bit easier, using .fill() stringstream ss .str() and .precision

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