entry point not found

I've made a project with codeblocks using MinGW 5.1.0 and everything compiles fine and without errors or warnings and it runs fine when I run it from within codeblocks, but when I run it from outside codeblocks, this error comes up: "The procedure entry point _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringlcSt11char_traitslcESalcEE4dataEV could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Users\Dominic\Documents\equationCompiler\bin\Release\equationCompiler.exe".
I'm using no libraries except the standard libraries (<string>, <vector> etc) and I've only built it in release mode and I'm pretty sure I'm using codeblocks 13.12. What can I do to solve this?
I would think of two possibilities:

1. Wrong project type: Properties... -> Build targets -> Type
2. There is something wrong with code blocks / MinGW and you should reinstall it.
I've just checked project type and it is set to console application (which is what I'm making). I'm pretty sure this has only started happening since I installed MinGW 5.1.0, but I installed it with the MinGW installer and ,I don't know it's causation rather than correlation I'll get rid of all the other versions and re-insall it and codeblocks and see what happens then.
I'm re-installing it with these settings:
version 5.1.0
architecture i686
threads posix
exception dwarf
build revision 0
I'm really not sure if these are the right settings, but they are the defaults.
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It appears to be working now, but I don't know why. Might be because I had more than one version of MinGW and codeblocks was using exes from different ones but I doubt it would do that.
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