Overloading same operator multiple times

Hi, I just wanted to know how overloading same operator multiple times works and how does the compiler know which overloaded definition is called in.
P.S: Couldn't find anything on google.

Thank you!
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how overloading same operator multiple times works
As with any function. Operators are just syntax sugar for function calls.

So if you have something like
foo x;
bar y;
x + y;

Compiler would look for function named operator+ which can take arguments of type foo and bar.
An overloaded operator is a function (albeit with a special syntax).
The rules for function overload resolution apply.

See: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/overload_resolution
Note: see 'Call to an overloaded operator' on how the set of candidate functions is formed.
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@JLBorges: you have a stray apostrophe at the end of the link.
Thanks. Removing it now.
Thank You very much!
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