Logging PC Keys

Hello' Guys,

I'd like to do some sort of TypeScript (Linux) for Windows. I've had something good working untill now. What I'd need to do is register special keys such as 'é', 'à', etc...

How would I be able to do so as it depends of the keyboard. If it is an American keyboard, you might not have these so you cannot do manual conversion.

Is there some way to know when user wants to input 'é' (same key as '1' but appears when capitalized here) which is compatible with every countries keyboard ?

It does not depend on the keyboard. It depends on the character set.

For linux it is UTF-8 (as far as I know) and Windos ANSI/'UNICODE.

Anyway you can register special character even if you cannot type them [directly].
Well, the thing is how one would be able to difference if you type a 'é' (SHIFT+1) or a something else (same keys but different keyboard country where both keys combined prints something else) ?

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