Generator Set Problem

Hello. My teacher posted an interesting question for some extra credit:

In this project, you should write a code in c/c++ (in Linux) which solves the following problem and produces correct results.
For a natural number N, find a set of natural numbers in a way, that if you were only able to use subtraction
and summation, you could generate any natural number between 1 and N, by using each member of the
set at most one time. We call such a set a generator set of N.
Consider N=10. A possible generator set for this number could be GS = {1, 2, and 7}, because you can
produce any number from 1 to 10 using this numbers by applying -/+ operations:

So you want the lowest amount of numbers in the set, so ex:
1,2,3,4 is worse than 1,3,6
you also want the lowest maximum number so:
1,3,6 is better than 1,2,7.
My solution is to just half N and round up or down as needed, which works, but does not produce the lowest maximum number, for example for 30 mine produces
15,8,4,2,1 while 11,9,6,3,1 also works and is a better set.

Can someone set me on the right path to producing the lowest numbers possible? I am stumped. Thank you.
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First some notation. Let's say that if G is a generator set for N, then G(N,X) is the expression in G that generates X.

Here's a suggestion. If you have a generator set for N then I think you can make a generator set for 3N as follows
- For values X from 1 to N, use G(N,X)
- For values X from N to 2N, use 2N - G(N,X)
- For values from 2N to 3N, use 2N + G(N,X)

Unfortunately, I don't know if you can prove that this is a minimal set.
I'm currently working on this problem as well. I understand how you get 1,2,7 for 10 but can you explain what you do after you half N to find the numbers for the set. I don't see a fast way to check for this other than to run through every number and figure out which ones you need and dont need
One solution, although not very fast, is to start with 6 and the numbers 1,2,3. To get the next number, add 1 to one of your current numbers. So for 7 you can use 1,2,4, for 8 and you can use 1,2,5, and so on. Just add 1 to the first number, check if the answer works. If it doesn't, try the next number. If none of them work, you need to add a fourth number in, which can be tricky. This becomes slow however because you constantly run the check to see if the set works.
Pardon my mathematical terminology. It's been a number of years since I wrote any formal proofs. Some of my logic may be a but fuzzy, but here goes.

EDIT: My algorithm doesn't work for v0 = 2. Back to the drawing board. I'm close, but no cigar.

A. Let A(x, y) = integer values {x,...,y}

B. Let G(V) = {g0,} be the minimal set such that all values A{1, V} can be calculated using only elements g0 - gn and addition and subtraction.

C. Given G(V), determine the maximum set G obtained by adding a single element
G(3V + 1) = {G(V), (2V+1)}
A(1, V) obtained from G(V)
A(V+1, 2V) obtained from (2V+1) - G(V)
2V+1 obtained trivially
A(2V+2, 3V+1) obtained from (2V+1) + G(V)


Problem: Find G(x) for a given integer x (x >= 1)

Let G(x) = {G(v0), gn}

Step 1: Determine v0 such that the first terms of G(x) are G(v0)

v0 is the minimum value such that (3v0 + 1) >= x (from C)

v0 = ceil((x-1)/3)

Step 2: Now calculate the minimum value of gn, the last element of G(x)

Restating things
v0 is maximum value calculated from G(v0) (from B)

x = v0 + gn
gn = x - v0

We now have v0 and gn.

If gn > 1, go back to step 1, assigning v0 to x.

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