resize(cds) in createCDs function was not declared

//the error points to cds



#include "CDs.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

CDs* createCDs(const char* filename,fstream &file)

const char* _file;
int max = 1;
int min = 0;
CD** cdPtrArray = new CD*[max];;

while (!file.eof())
int year, rating, num_tracks;
string* title = new string[1];
string* artist = new string[1];
string* length = new string[1];

file >> artist[0];
file >> title[0];
file >> year;
file >> rating;
file >> num_tracks;

CD* c = createCD(artist, title, year, rating, num_tracks);
cdPtrArray[min] = c;

if (min == max)
for (int i = 0; i < num_tracks; i++)
file >> length[0];
file >> title[0];
CDs* _cds = new CDs;
_cds -> num_cds = min;
_cds -> max_cds = min;
_cds -> cd_array = cdPtrArray;
return _cds;

void destroyCDs (CDs* cds)
int numCDs = cds -> num_cds;
CD** _cd = cds -> cd_array;

for ( int i = 0; i < numCDs; i++)
destroyCD (_cd[i]);
delete cds;

void displayCDs (CDs* cds)
int numAlbum = cds -> num_cds;

CD** _cd = cds -> cd_array;

for (int i = 0; i < numAlbum; i++)
cout << _cd[i] << endl;


void resize (CDs* cds)
int cd_nums = cds -> num_cds;
int cd_max = cds -> max_cds;
CD** cd = cds -> cd_array;
CD** cdPtr = new CD*[cd_max * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < cd_nums; i++)
cd[i] = cdPtr[i];
delete cd;

cd_max * 2;

CDs* findCDs (CDs* cds, string* artist)
CD* compact = NULL;

int numAlbum = cds -> num_cds;
CD** _cd = cds -> cd_array;

for (int i = 0; i < numAlbum; i++)

if(artist == compact )
_cd[i] = compact;
return cds;




#ifndef CDS_STRUCT
#define CDS_STRUCT

#include "CD.h"

using namespace std;

struct CDs
CD** cd_array;
int num_cds;
int max_cds;

CDs* createCDs(string filename, fstream &file );

void destroyCDs(CDs* cds);

void displayCDs(CDs* cds);

void resize(CDs* cds);

CDs* findCDs(CDs* cds, string* artist);

If you want to use the function resize(...) you need at least a prototype so that the compiler knows the signature:

void resize (CDs* cds); // The prototype

CDs* createCDs(const char* filename,fstream &file)

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I see that you have already the prototypes in a header (CDS_STRUCT?). You need to include that header.
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