Question about STL

Pages: 12
> what's the difference between [&, targetNumbers](int i) and [&](int i)

In [&, targetNumbers](int i), targetNumbers is captured by value, everything else (inputNumbers here) is captured by reference.

In [&](int i), everything is captured by reference (both inputNumbers and targetNumbers here).

> Does [&, targetNumbers](int i) pass targetNumbers like const targetNumbers ?

Yes. With [&, targetNumbers](int i) { /*...*/ } the lambda expression is not allowed to modify targetNumbers

With [&, targetNumbers](int i) mutable { /*...*/ } the lambda expression is allowed to modify the copy of targetNumbers that it has captured by value (the modification is on the copy, not the original.)


Summary (MSDN):
. Reference captures can be used to modify variables outside, but value captures cannot. (mutable allows copies to be modified, but not originals.)

. Reference captures reflect updates to variables outside, but value captures do not.

. Reference captures introduce a lifetime dependency, but value captures have no lifetime dependencies.
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Hi JLBorges,

Thanks a lot.
Of course I want to modify the argument and should capture by reference.
Thanks again.

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Pages: 12