Code for Me

So basically I'm confused by this Problem and i need someone to code for me simply. Thanks in Advance

This is not an Assignment or Project

You can post the codes on Reply section or send the Code/C++ File on my e-mail.

1. Create a class named Robot

with the following member data :
 - string name
 - int bullets
 - int magazine
 - int magazineLimit

the class should have the following

 - default constructor :
 name : "Robocop"
 bullets : 200
 magazine : 20
 magazineLimit : 20

 - overrriden constructor (string n, int b, int m, int ml)
 - shoot : minus 1 bullet and notifies the user to reload if there are no bullets in the magazine
 - reload :
 fills the magazine with the number of bullets needed to fill it
 example :
 magazine has 14, it reloads 6 bullets to fill the magazine
 if your you only have 3 bullets left then it reloads only 3 bullets in the magazine
 reloaded bullets are subtracted to the bullets member data
 - show details
 outputs the
 number of bullets left
 magazine / magazineLimit
 of the robot.
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You might have better luck posting this in the Jobs section.

But in all honesty, this task isn't that difficult if you put your head to it.
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I can see that but please it'll be highly appreciated for someone who can create a program. This is my last sample work before i shift to Business(Dropping Web Development this week)
This is not an Assignment or Project

In other words, you don't need it for anything and therefore nobody needs to do it.
I still need it, i can use the topic "Classes" for creating a similar problem to my question but in Business form. That's the last shot i got, if someone can make a code out of it. I highly appreciate your help for this. Thanks :)
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
You have wasted a lot of time begging people. If you had used that time to actually try to create code you might have already done the assignment, or had a framework of code you could post that might entice people to help you.
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