cursor problems //code blocks

hello all,
I am fairly new to c++ but I am using code blocks as my IDE and on one of my projects the cursor will no longer click in between individual letters or (). If I have a set of {} I can only click before or after them. so I cannot type anything unless I erase one side. My question is does anyone know how to fix this ? Its kinda bugging the crap out of me.

figured it out for anyone that finds this and had the same problem.
if you click 0 on the number key pad it changes it.
OK, it sounds like it happens when you change the edit mode from insert to overwrite. You can do this either by pressing the "Insert" button, or by turning on Num Lock and then pressing the "0" key on the number key pad.

If Code Blocks works like other Windows editors, pressing either of those keys should toggle the mode, so you can switch back to the mode you want by pressing either of those buttons again.

(NB I've never used Code Blocks, so try this yourself rather than taking my word for it. But that's how those modes work in other applications.)

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