Object Array

I have an object array with 4 objects. Each of these objects is assigned x and y coordinates. When the user inputs their own coordinates the program finds the closest object. Then the program needs to update that object with the income. This is 12*distance. I am struggling with how to get the program to add the income to the correct object.
Then the program needs to update that object with the income.

What do you mean by income? Did you get it done properly?
The program is for a towtruck company. The customer enters their coordinates and the program finds the closest truck to send out. Then the revenue for the truck is calculated by doing 12*distance. This needs to be added to the truck that was closest. The program keeps running until the user hits 0. Then a summary for each of the 4 trucks is printed out with the name of the driver and how much money they made that day.
Each truck should have a variable called income. When you found the nearest truck you just add the income to it.
closest = -1; //-1 is an invalid distance
int dx = -1; //invalid array index for this code. you can use negative index, but you need special setup to do that.

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
d = distance_to_truck(truck[i]); //assuming you know how to get this value?
if (d > closest)
closest = d; //save the distance to the current closest truck
dx = i; //save the index of the current closest truck

//truck[dx] is the closest, if dx != -1
truck[dx] += 12*something;

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