char question

i have a question about the rand() function say i want to read two character in like AB or and WC

im trying to do it in a character array but when i cout it just print the W last even thought it suppose to be first and doesnt even show C
Show the relevant code. Otherwise we will not be able to tell what's wrong.
I think you misunderstand sth. rand() will give you a random number, but doesn't get you any input.
To input two chars into a char array do it like this.
  char input[3] = {0};

  cout << "Enter two characters: ";
  cin.getline(input, sizeof(input));

  cout << "Your input was " << input << "\n\n";
alright so i have two question im going to show the code for the first question i have
first im trying to generate a random string between 6-14 it only give me 8
string name;
 for(int i=6; i<14; i++)//this loop the letter between 6-14 and it only give me 8
             random = alphabet[rand()%26];// i try doing something here it doesnt work  
              name +=random;                      //it picks from the alphabet randomly
         cout << name

Next, question
so im not sure how to set this up so when i cout right it doesnt print the way i wanted it too
char color[]={'TH','MA','\0'};
cout << b

when i cout i only get a 'H' but never a 'TH' together and sometimes the A will put up but not the 'MA'
im not sure if im formatting it correctly i think i need a for loop
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The loop starts from 6 and stops at 14. 14 - 6 = 8, so that means it will run 8 times. If you want the loop to run 6-14 times you need to first generate a random number in that range. Then you can simply write the loop so that it starts from 0 and stops when it reaches the random number that you generated before loop.

A char can only hold one character. If you want multiple characters you'll have to use strings.
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does it need to be before the for loop
If you do it after the loop you can't use it to decide when to stop the loop, so I guess you would have to always generate a string of length 14 and then remove 0-8 characters after the loop.
in order to generate 6-14 it needs to be rand()%9+8
The correct formula is: rand() % (max - min + 1) + min
When min=6 and max=14 it becomes: rand() % 9 + 6
i already solve it and i got to work in the loop thank for the help
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