pixel detection and tracking

hi i am wondering at first, if you can use pixel detection in c++, and also pixel tracking.(if so what library to include.) so what this program does, is its parameters are the entire monitor... it detects the pixel color (e.g.) gold. and what i want it to do is put a green pixel circle (e.g.) 50 pixels around the gold pixel. also, (if possible) can i get it to detect multiple targets at a time and function.

and for its final task, i want it to be wired where when i press button or mouse click, cursor moves on to the gold pixels.

ik this is slot of work... but any little tid bit of information would be very helpful.

thanks in advance.
c++ can do anything that can be done on a computer.

The library depends on your OS, needs, etc. This sounds like a low level 2-d graphics code, so you don't need a full bore 3-d library.

For example, windows will let you grab the current screen buffer and iterate over it looking for a pixel. You can generally get the screen buffer as a RGB or RGBA array; Pretty sure directdraw can do that in windows.

you can also control the mouse directly, but that is a second topic, you won't find a library that connects the graphics and the mouse for you, your code will have to do that connection.

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