How to Eject USB Printer

Is there any way to eject USB printer connected to device programmatically.
My aim is to prevent user accessing sensitive data through Pendrive/Mobile/Printing it to document.

As of now, I can block pendrive using USBSTOR registry value and Mobile devices using WPD api. But for printer both are not working.
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This is not secure. You need to have the system administrator disable the printer for the user. If you disable it with a program, the user can re-enable it easily, and you are but a printscreen into paint away from having the secured data lost. You also need to block email, access to file-dump websites, and a bunch of other things -- email over website, for example.. Protecting data on a machine that has not been locked up by an admin account is like trying to keep water in a sieve by plugging all the holes with your fingers.

I suppose you can make a program to kill the printer for an account using admin settings but that is more trouble than using the tools provided to do the same.
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