Urgent! Can someone please help me with this C++ problem.

I've been struggling to do this as I've only just grasped the beginnings of class, public, private, etc.. and I've been really busy so would anyone please be kind enough to solve this program for me and provide a brief explanation as to how you solved the program. Thank you!

Create an account class, which should include a constructor should contain const first name, const last name, const account number, amount, const interest rate and opening date; a member function that will accrue interests; a member function print(), which should print name, account number and amount.

Create a date class with 3 private member variables (month, day and year), will contain a constructor with parameters of month, day and year; and a member function check day, such function shall be able to check validity of a date, and default invalid month and day to be 01.

Create a cpp file to initialize account object, accrue interest for 5 years and then print.
Create an account class, which should include a constructor should contain const first name, const last name, const account number, amount, const interest rate and opening date;

Can you do that bit yourself?
I did that bit in school but unfortunately I didn't save any of my files on my external drive. I've been super busy with other work and don't have the time right now. Not near a computer .
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no, no one will do it for you here. Give it a try, and if you get stuck ask a question.
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