far Pointers in C programming. Solve the code

The following codes works perfect in TurboC3.0. How to run this in VS2010.

Advance Thanks to all.

void main()
int far *p= (int far *) 0x417;
char c;
if(*p&64) //64 is the code of CAPSLOCK key.
printf("Caps Lock Is ONN");
printf("Caps Lock Is OFF");

> How to run this in VS2010.
Throw away TurboC3.0

Learn how to program the Win32 API by going to MSDN (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/dn308572.aspx)

There is nothing like a far pointer in modern C[++].

Instead of the pointer use the result of getche() i.e. c.
farooqDeveloper wrote:
How to run this in VS2010.

This cannot run in VS2010.

Your program uses both something that was only available in Turbo C (far pointer, conio, etc) and something that was only available in MS-DOS (the BIOS keyboard state at 0x417).

25 years is an eternity in the world of computer programming, a lot of things from those days are not applicable today. A program that behaves this way on Windows, MacOS, or Linux would be totally different.
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