type name not allowed

i'm creating a line trace in ue4 and i'm trying to put damage on my line trace but i keep getting this error "type name not allowed" on my aai_character and my horde character

void AHordeCharacter::OnFire()

FHitResult Hit;
FVector start = FP_Gun->GetForwardVector();
FVector End = start + (FP_Gun->GetForwardVector()* 700.f);
FCollisionQueryParams CollisionParams;
FVector Start = FP_Gun->GetComponentLocation();

DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), Start, End, FColor::Green, true, 2.f, false, 4.f);

GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Hit, start, End, ECC_WorldDynamic, CollisionParams);

UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage(AAI_Character///here, 6.f, false, AHordeCharacter///here, shot);

Use f'ing code tags when posting code!

If AAI_Character is a type name then why are you trying to pass it as an argument?
That's like passing int instead of 42.

AHordeCharacter is obviously a type name.
Maybe you mean this or possibly *this?

EDIT: Here's the prototype:
static float ApplyDamage
    AActor * DamagedActor,
    float BaseDamage,
    AController * EventInstigator,
    AActor * DamageCauser,
    TSubclassOf < class UDamageType > DamageTypeClass

So the first AActor is the one receiving damage and the second AActor is the one delivering the damage.
Your use of false doesn't really fit AController*, though. Maybe it should be nullptr (or just 0).
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