Stuck in an issue.

Edit :
Have removed the solution to avoid plagiarism in the on going competition!


I've taken up C++ after a long time and have started with dynamic programming. The best way was to participate in online challenges. I'm facing an issue with one of the problems from codechef. I'm unsure if we are allowed to post the solution here.

Problem :

My Solution : Removed

I'm receiving the expected output when tried running in IDE but not while submitting. I'm unsure what I'm missing here. Any help is higly appreciated!
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you are allowed to get help, but CC monitors this site for cheating, and we have had a RASH of abusers of our site from CC 'competitors' (everything from trying to trick us into doing the problem to swapping answers with each other and more).

I would avoid posting a working solution. I can't see the problems, due to block at work (doubly here, can't see your code either).

basically, I don't think its a violation of our rules to post your answer here, but all you are doing is enabling cheaters to steal from you. A broken answer is probably harmless; from what I have seen of the CC crowd, they only want it when its already working no work involved.
I completely agree to your concern.
Have deleted the solution, as this competition is fair play and shouldn't be plagiarized.
Thanks for the quick response.

Just a question : Do you happen to know if we have a private discord server just for C++ ? Maybe in future if I've any questions regarding any module, I can shoot up directly.

Im like old and stuff, so I have no idea. I can read 3 pages in the time a typical human can babble out a 3 sentence question. Video and audio work for entertainment but trying to convey information, they fail very badly. I can't go there.
Haha! Okay, no worries!
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