How to program games like Project QT

Hello friends.
I am new to game programming.
So many things are still unclear.
Can someone show me the basic steps on how to program a quality game like Project QT Mod Apk ( ?
Thank you.
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this is like saying you are in week 2 of shop class, how do you build an airplane.

games use a lot of library code that is not part of the c++ language itself but extensions to it. Sound, network, graphics, gui, mouse/contoller/I/O, and more are all library driven.

Before you start trying to use libraries, you really need a firm grasp of the actual language, so you need to start there.
Some simple text games might be instructive and fun:

High-low: The computer picks a random number between 1 and 100. The player gets 10 guesses to find the number. After each guess, the computer tells the player if their guess is higher or lower (or equal to) the number.

High-low again, but this time have the computer be the player. What strategy can you program into the game?

Tic-tac-toe against the computer. Maybe start by having the computer pick a random empty square for its move. Once the game is working, modify the algorithm that the computer uses to make it smart about what it picks.
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