.FromFile won't take string variable as argument.


I am trying to change the background image of a form control passing a string variable instead of a litteral string.

Is this possible at all ?

the code i'm trying to use is this:

const std::string test = "C:\\Users\\Pictures\\Tiger.jpg";

Form1.BackgroundImage ->FromFile(test);

many thanks in advance.
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Well if a string literal works, then I'm guessing you need something like

Form1.BackgroundImage ->FromFile(test.c_str());

I have tried that, but the only thing that works is ::FromFile("Picturename here");

I tried C_str() but got this errror code:

Form1.BackgroundImage ->FromFile(test.c_str());

no instance of overloaded function "System::Drawing::Image::FromFile" matches the argument list Project2 C:\Users\IT\Source\Repos\Project2\MyForm.cpp

I have 400 pictures my program randomly chooses from.

The problem is that i need to switch pictures on 2 forms using them like slides in powerpoint.
When you write sth. like
this->BackgroundImage = System::Drawing::Image::FromFile("C:\\Temp\\Background.jpg"); than the const char* literal is automatically converted to a System::String^ but it doesn't work work for std::string

The best solution is to stick with System::String^ and forget about the std::string.
To read all the image filenames into an array:


That got rid of the error code, but the forms background image doesn't change. ???

I stepped through the program and i can see that the value of backgroundImage is a Nullptr.

What am i doing wrong ?

this is my code so far:

int main()


Project2::MyForm slide1;

System::String^ test = "C:\\Users\\IT\\Pictures\\testpicture.jpg";


Application::Run(% slide1)

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.c_str() returns a const char* - not char*. If the function requires a char* rather than const char *, then use .data() [for C++17] instead which gives char *. Alternatively cast .c_str() to a char *.


I am not sure i understand what you are writing.

i am not using .c_str() anywhere in my program.

seeplus, it's right what you write- in C++, but in .NEt things are different.

@OP, try this:
slid1.BackgroundImage = System::Drawing::Image::FromFile("C:\\Users\\IT\\Pictures\\testpicture.jpg");
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That works, but this way the filename is locked. I wan't to use a variable so that i can change the background image when my program is running.
Found the solution myself.

This doesn't work:


But this does:

slide1.BackgroundImage = Image::FromFile(test);code

So the code looks like this:

Project2::MyForm slide1;

System::String^ test;

test = "C:\\Users\\IT\\Pictures\\TestBilleder\\1.jpg";

slide1.BackgroundImage = Image::FromFile(test);

Application::Run(% slide1);


Thanks to those who helped me with my problem.

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