What are you using to write your code?

What are you using to write your code?

Just thought it'd be cool to get an idea of what the members here are using for editors/IDEs. Have fun!

As requested, this is a growing list of the aforementioned tools for you to compare and examine.

Note pad
Turbo c
Dev C++
It will be mostly VC++ (which I'm using), Code::Blocks, then maybe a bit less Eclipse, NetBeans and Xcode.
Though I'm just guessing how popular each of them is here. And I'm not saying these are the only ones, though I can't think of anything else..
Also, see http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/articles/36896/
ZinjaI is (not) just another IDE http://zinjai.sourceforge.net/ Good auto completion and indentation

Also using vim (in a very beginner level). I like the syntax highlight (or, macros, size_t, etc) and its support for various languages.
Besides the possibility of using regex (that sometimes drive me nut, of not knowing if I need to escape the character)
Using Dev-C++? For shame...

I use Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate on my Windows machine and Code::Blocks on my Linux machine.
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Yup. For me it is mainly Visual C++, but Code::Blocks for my tutorial videos as it's cross platform.

hamsterman wrote:
though I can't think of anything else

wxDevC++? I haven't tried it, but it's apparently not so bad.
Code::Blocks for C++ code, NetBeans for Java code, MonoDevelop for C# code, Geany for all other languages.
Visual Studio 2010 and QT
closed account (zb0S216C)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express on Window 7 Ultimate.
Oh yeah, and I occasionally use Visual Studio Pro, but not often as it is under commercial license only.
emacs at home, Xemacs at work.
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Lots more Visual Studio users here than I thought...


I use Vim and the terminal mostly for my scientific stuff, QT Creator for anything that needs a GUI.

Most times I'll design the GUI with QT Creator, then just drop back to Vim to do the rest...don't really like IDEs all that much, QT Creator has a decent FakeVim mode though.
I use DevC++.

EDIT: as of May 28, 2011 I use Code::Blocks
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At the moment i'm using Visual Studio 2008, my copy of Visual Studio 2010 professional will be here sometime next week, 'cos shipping always takes 2-3 weeks when its cheapest :P

I also use Qt creator occasionally
and Notepad++ when i'm compiling Qt from command line
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
I use VS2008/2010 from Microsoft. I've found that proprietary IDEs (like VS) are much easier to get set up and coding than the alternatives.
gcc, vim, cmake
Visual Studio 2008, and Notepad++ occasionally.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
On Windows, I use VC++.
On *nix, I use Scite (or Geany or similar) and cmake.
I cannot stand, for the life of me, developing on Windows.... It's really inconvenient.
I'm still relatively new to C++ but I've tried Code::Blocks and VS and all that and I just prefer Notepad++ to be honest. IDEs are a massive pain and any time saved by their intellisense or organising is lost trying to dance around their silly ideas and settings.

There's nothing wrong with compiling from the console, and it will even tell you where you went wrong. You just need to organise your code neatly and be clever.
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