well, that sure didn't work very well...

Pages: 1234
I don't think so. But the queues become really dependent (when they aren't)
They must be filled with the simultaneously.

To avoid that I changed the interface, so now you just pass the parameters of 'I' xor 'Q'
Check out for penalties.

I uploaded to https://github.com/ne555/nyquist
I really should learn to use git
I just diffed the file on github against my copy. Apart from some improvements to the file reads, I didn't see anything different. What did I miss?
Maybe you looked at the wrong branch.
circ_buffer has the boost::circular_buffer working
interface changed the prototype of the filter.
Oh yes, I did look at the wrong branch. I got the right copy, and tested it against my implementation of cbuffers...yours is nearly 4X as fast. Strangely, though, my (updated) vectors version is another 10% or so faster. I updated the copy on mediafire if you're interested:


You'll see that we made a few change to the program, but I don't think it's anything that would change how one would implement the algorithm in question. (I also modified your version so that all passed arrays are the same size.)
Update (master branch)
It seems to be doing well. You can chose the algorithm with a command line argument

I kind of hate your style. Try to modularize a little.
Thanks for all the work on this, ne555. I appreciate everyone's help.

And, your remarks about style are well taken. This wasn't my program; I inherited it. It's what you get when you allow scientists to program...
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Pages: 1234