Another game making question?

Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but here is my question: What route would you take for game making with c ++. In the past I have made games with adobe flash's game making program. It was so easy to write code and all of the objects and characters in your game were displayed right in front of you while you coded. In c++ with sdl and opengl(I assume this is the best route) it seems like such a hassle to even get a circle to appear on your screen. Maybe I am wrong here... My knowledge of c++ is limited to one scientific programming class, but I enjoy making games and would like to better my c++ programming before next semester. I will be making simplistic 2d games/simulations and would like to see if you had any suggestions of where to start learning or a program to use?
Basically, you'll need to make you own "object" classes. Flash and stuff already has those "built-in", so to speak, but in C++ you'll need to do them yourself. IMO you should use SFML over SDL, as SFML is more object orientated and I find that much easier to work with.
Okay thanks. Where should I start with good tutorials? Does anyone else agree. Would SFML be best?
i would have to disagree with firedraco. i like sdl alot better than SFML, however that all comes down to preference i suppose. is a great website to learn sdl.
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