Calendar program

So, I'm really confused: I need to make a program that outputs a calendar for a given amount of days.

The user inputs amount of days (28,29, 30, 31)
The program will output a calendar, the first day (1) always starting on sunday. Just a basic calendar outline.

The program must use a nested loop, preferably a 'for' loop.

Please help!
I would have it cout something like "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat\n" and then just print out numbers from 1 to the Input with a return after every seven. Then you would just have to format it so that it all lined up, by adding more or less spaces in between each number.

Hope it helps!
Yeah, I know, but im not sure the syntax and way to format the program itself?
You should look at the tutorial on this site for instructions on how to use loops and such then.
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